Grand National
Custom Callmaking Competition
Thank You Redneck Hunting Blinds
for sponsoring our competition this year

The contest started years ago by Charley Burke (A regional director at the time) as a way to showcase the callmakers who are the spirit of the organization. It started with just a few categories and as a carving contest. Over the years it has evolved into the largest callmaking contest of its kind in the World. Come check it out in person this year in Nashville, TN.
An amazing read from Mindy Oldham who is no stranger to this competition and a huge supporter of the NWTF. Help the NWTF support Mindy in return by purchasing her new book directly from this website.
To help her artistic husband chase his dreams, a determined wife embarks on an adventure into the world of turkey hunting and turkey call making.
Through it all, they learn that dreams do come true.
In an unexpected turn of events, she finds herself and her true aspirations in life.
Join Tim and Mindy Oldham on their inspirational journey.
Kevin Alley
(706) 825-6460
Across America Inc.
(706) 814-8185
Mark Warmath
(931) 561-1492
Galen Braddy