Best of Show in Decorative Turkey
Earl “Mick” Mickel transformed turkey call making and collecting into what it is today. Mick’s love for call collecting began in the 1980s and would continue for the rest of his life. Mickel traveled over 100,000 miles, interviewed hundreds of call makers and assembled one of the largest and most impressive call collections in the world. His three published books on call makers are vigorously supported by the callmaking community, and his contributions to the NWTF’s mission through his passion are felt to this day. In 1994, Mickel provided much-needed advice and encouragement in starting the NWTF’s Grand National Custom Callmaking Competition. The renowned competition has grown into the world's largest callmaking competition and show at the NWTF National Convention. Each year, a panel of judges rate the entries in the competitions’ Decorative Turkey Call Division and select a Best of Show call. The NWTF purchases the call and places it on permanent display at NWTF national headquarters.
1994 - Scott Basehore (Denver, PA)
1995 - James Yule (Jena, PA)
1996 - Kent Freeman (Cape Girardeu, MO)
1997 - Kent Freeman (Cape Girardeau, MO)
1998 - Len Yule (Carrollton, KY)
1999 - Don Bald (Lebanon, IL)
2000 - Don Bald (Lebanon, IL)
2001 - Dave Constantine (Durand, WI)
2002 - Dennis Poeschel (Milwaukee, WI)
2003 - Don Bald (Lebanon, IL)
2004 - John Parker (Tenton, OH)
2005 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2006 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2007 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2008 - John Parker (Tenton, OH)
2009 - John Parker (Tenton, OH)
2010 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2011 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2012 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2013 - Steve Lumma (Foristell , MO)
2014 - Richard Steward (Seymour, IN)
2015 - Don Bald (Lebanon, IL)
2016 - Timothy Oldham, Jr. (Newburgh, IN)
2017 - Dave Constantine (Durrand, WI)
2018 - Timothy Oldham, Jr. (Newburgh, IN)
2019 - Timothy Oldham, Jr. (Newburgh, IN)
2020 - Timothy Oldham, Jr. (Newburgh, IN)
2021 - Jeremiah Cluesman (Bybee, TN)
2022 - Timothy Oldham, Jr. (Newburgh, IN)
2023 - Sherry Brown (Great Falls, MT)
2024 - Timothy Oldham Jr. (Newburgh, IN)