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About the Grand Nationals

The Worlds Largest Callmaking Contest

The contest started years ago by Charley Burke (A regional director at the time) as a way to showcase the callmakers who are the spirit of the organization. It started with just a few categories and as a carving contest. Over the years it has evolved into the largest callmaking contest of its kind in the World. Come check it out in person this year in Nashville, TN.

  • 1200 - 1400 Calls compete here every February
  • 5 different and unique divisions (Including the new wildlife art division) offer a wide range of different types of hunting and decorative pieces
  • Every piece entered in this contest has a portion of the sales donated to the National Wild Turkey Federation and helps support the Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.™ Initiative.
  • Auctions take place after the competition has its winners designated. You must have an account in order to participate in the bidding.

Callmakers Support the Organizational Efforts of
Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt.

2025 Changes

The contest continues to evolve year after year. Here are the scheduled changes this year.

Earl Mickel Award

The Earl Mickel winner will now come back to Headquarters to be on display for one year and then will be sold in the Live Auction the following year for a 50/50 split with the Callmaker.

Hall of Fame News

We have created the Turkey Callmaking Hall of Fame to Honor all individuals who have contributed to callmaking in general and not just the contributors to this competition. The two will be separate.

Wildlife Art Competition

The Wildlife art competition will become its own entity moving forward and will have its own website. The award structure has also changed. Best of show returns with a prize of $1500.

Same Location

We will remain in the outlying building at the Gaylord Opryland where we enjoyed having more space and easier access last year.

2025 Elite Call Raffles

We are working on adding calls to our elite raffle and will hopefully have a list of names that are contributing very soon.
Please give a great big thank you to Redneck Hunting Blinds for sponsoring our competition this year

Contact Us

We do our best to be as transparent as we can. Please feel free to
reach out to us with any questions you have before spreading rumors
on social media that may not be true. We will not respond
to any social media post, but we will answer your questions
if you give us a call or send us a message.

Website, Login
& Art Questions

Kevin Alley
(706) 825-6460

Auction Shipping
And Tracking

Across America Inc.

(706) 814-8185

Duck Call
Questions & Help

Mark Warmath

(931) 561-1492

Turkey Call
Questions & Help

Galen Braddy
